Turtles are reptiles which means they lay eggs.
Female tutles return to the same beach they hacthed to lay over 100 eggs.
Turtles have a hard shell to protect the from predators like shark,whales and even crabs.
They have strong flippers to swim fast if their in danger.
When a turtle is born their shell is like leather.
Some turtles are vegetarian others are meat eaters. plant eater turtles eat thing such as seagrassas meat eaters prefer things such as sea worms and crabs.Some turtles even have their tounge look like bait to attract prey such as the snapper turtle
Turtles prefer to live in warm areas with a vast mass of ocean.Turtles also need a place to lay eggs
so they return to the beach they were born in to lay their eggs.
There are many types of turtles,here are a few:
lether back, green sea, flat back, kemp ridley, logger head and hawks bill
*Leather back turtles don't actully have a shell
*Turtles are preistoric
*There was a preastoric turtle called the horned turtle